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                                                                          Olja's nails

                                                                      clothes: Jane Doe
                                                                      accessorize: mine,
                                                                      boots: zara,
                                                                      make up: Olja S.
                                                                      Photographer: Olja S.
Last week i was a "model" on small fashion show for Jane Doe vintage shop! :) It was really nice, and you can see my two combos for that night! Blouse, shorts, bag and gorgeous dress are from the store and the rest of the clothes and details are mine!In some future outfit posts you will see much better my new Zara boots ( they were b-day gift, already show you sneak peak of them in earlier post). I was so happy because Olja could come with me, so she did my make up ( oohh i love it so much) and i was really satisfied how it all looks like at the end! Olja was also photographer for that night, but the light was bad and there was  reflection of the mirrors too, so i cant show you photos from that improvised small stage. :( Hope that you will like it! Kisses!

Prošle nedelje je na jednom splavu održana Jane Doe revija, a ja sam se našla u ulozi modela! :)  Enterijer, sneg , reka....nekako je bila prava atmosfera za predstavljanje vintage odeće!Moram da priznam da mi ovo nije bio prvi put....ali mi je sada nekako bilo teže, valjda to ide s'godinama. :) I eto, sama sebi sam bila presmešna, svo to poziranje u roku od 15 sekundi, pa tako x2 , veliki je to stres! Šalim se, naravno...
Prvo da se zahvalim preslatkoj Bojani, jer sam zbog nje i bila tamo, a onda velikooo hvalaaa najdivnijem prijatelju na celom svetu, Olji, koja je prošla kroz sve ovo sa mnom!
Nemojte samo da pomislite da ja želim da budem model ili da sebe posmatram tako, jer ja to svakako nisam, ovo je više bilo radi zabave! :)
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Rating : 4.5