Cose della vita ....

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                                                                                                ph. Daniela Pizzurro

                                                                                                ph. Ettore Manfredi

Last Friday, i had chance to meet one lovely couple from Italy, Daniela Pizzurro and Ettore Manfredi (you can check their websites and see their works). Both are photographers but with different interests, Daniela loves fashion and Ettore's big passion is reportage. They were on trip through Balkan countries and their last stop was Belgrade, where they spent the afternoon with me. :) They choose Kalemgdan ( place with lot of history) for photoshoot, and my choice was by the river, under one of our bridges and on it. The main reason for this little "project" was Daniela's curiosity, cause she never made fashion shooting outside Italy, and she thought that this would be a great opportunity to try. She started small " google research", looking for a fashion bloggers  from Belgrade, and that's how she found and choose me!:) Soon after that, i received email from her, we arranged our meeting, and now you have chance to see the results!
It was a really hot windy day, so i decided to wear floral dress with simple blue shirt, Bally flats,  cat eye sunglasses and probably one of my favorite bag this year, from Aldo. Simple, but still comfortable, i choose this instead of some elegant clothes, because this represents me, and what i wear on daily basis.
Should i say how much i love these photos, and how talented Daniela is? Even its the same outfit on them, i feel like every photo has some story  behind and i still can't decide which one is my favorite! Can you?
Huge thanks to Daniela and Ettore for spending great Friday afternoon and for making beautiful photos!
In the next post, you will see the second part with different outfit so keep following me ... ;)

 .... da počnemo ... ;)
Prošlog petka sam imala priliku da upoznam divan par iz Italije, Daniella Pizzurro i Ettore Manfredi, oboje fotografi ali sa raličitim interesovanjima  (Danielina strast su modne fotografije, dok Ettore voli reportažne), koji su putovali balkanskim zemljama, a Beograd je bio njihova poslednja stanica u kome su jedno popodne proveli sa mnom. :) Kalemgdan je bio njihov izbor za slikanje, dok sam ja imala želju da to učinimo pored reke, kako ispod, tako i na Brankovom mostu ( drugi deo ćete videti u narednom postu)... Glavni razlog ove "saradnje" je bila Danielina znatiželja, jer  nikada do sada nije pravila modne fotografije izvan Italije, a Beograd joj se učinio kao dobro mesto da se u tome i oproba. Modna blogerka je za nju bila najbolje rešenje ( kažu da volimo fotoaparate ;) ) , pa je krenula u "google potragu", a ja sam bila njen izbor! Nakon donete odluke, usledio je mejl, mesto sastanka ugovoreno, a rezultate upravo gledate ... :)
Dan je bio neverovatno topao i vetrovit , pa sam se odlučila za prijatnu dugu haljinu, jednostavnu košulju koju sam zavezala u čvor, Bally sandale, "cat eye" naočare i verovatno moju omiljenu torbu ove godine, iz Alda ( sve komade znate iz ranijih postova ) ... Želela sam da ponesem nešto što inače nosim, prikažem svakodnevno oblaačenje,  pa je to jedan od glavnih razloga zbog čega nisam odabrala nešto elegantnije.
 Da li je potrebno da vam kažem koliko mi se dopadaju fotografije i da sam oduševljenja?! :) I pored toga što je isti outfit, slike su totalno drugačije i čini mi se da svaka ima neku priču i još uvek ne mogu da odlučim koja mi je favorit! Možete li vi? :)

Hvala vam na svim divnim komentarima, čitala sam ih sa zadovoljvstvom i osmehom na licu, učinili ste da onako lep dan postane još bolji! :*

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Cose della vita ....
Cose della vita ....
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5