Baby Shower :) .... ( photos+video)

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Today, i wanted to share some beautiful photos with you from Saturday, when we made surprise for our friend Ivanka, Baby shower party in the middle of the day in the park! :)
Oh, we had so much fun! Balloons, hand made paper lanterns, home made lemonade, cookies, sweet desert in cup, huge stripped bows and many other super cute details! Probably you are asking how to do it, but its really simple, you need to have one pregnant friend, and five others who are creative and crazy enough to make something like this! ;)
The idea came from Leyla ( she is making jewelery and recently she started business with wedding/parties decoration) and Marina ( graduated architect and fashion blogger) , then, the rest of us jump in , Anja ( also graduated architect and fashion blogger), Jelena ( journalist and fashion blogger) and me! Our girl Ivanka didn't know anything, she was on her way to make some photos with Marina, but then, under the tree, surprise was waiting for her! I recorded this moment, so you can see her reaction in video! :) We really enjoyed, hope you can feel the atmosphere from our photos! Have a nice Monday! Kisses

Prošlu nedelju su obeležile predivne fotografije, neke nove rubrike, dobre vesti, vaši divni komentari, a ovu započinjemo sa još lepšim prizorom! :) "Baby shower" zabava u parku za našu buduću mamu Ivanku! :)
Sama ideja je potekla od Leyle i Marine, a Jelena, Anja i ja smo odmah uskočile i dobile svoja zaduženja! Baloni, čaše, lampioni,  limunada, kolačići, tufnice, projice, prugaste mašne u kosi , i ostali detalji učinili su ovaj dan šarenim, veselim i nezaboravnim, a iznenađenje uspešnim ( Ivankinu reakciju možete videti na snimku)! :)
Za "Baby shower" vam je potrebno:
- jedna slatka trudnica,
- i nekoliko kreativnih drugarica koje su dovoljno "bleskaste" da sve to naprave! ;) Priprema se lako, krčkanje traje danima, ali ukus obara s'nogu i dugo se pamti! ;)
Ukoliko niste spretni, a voleli biste nešto slično da napravite, ne brinite, Leyla ( "Kako sam se nadala") vam može pomoći jer su dekoracije postale njena specijalnost!
Nemojte da propustite postove i na ostalim blogovima gde možete da pročitate nešto više o samim pripremama i vidite dodatne fotografije, sigurna sam da ćete uživati i da će vam posle ovoga, dan biti još lepši! :)

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Baby Shower :) .... ( photos+video)
Baby  Shower  :)  .... ( photos+video)
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5