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                                                                                                ph. via Pinterest

I'm a food lover.
Sugar addict.
Obsessed with Instagram.
Love the photography.
So when I hear words like patisserie and boulangerie my heart goes crazy. I can immediately imagine all the pastries and feel the smell from fresh baked breads. The second thought is always - does this scenery match to my photo greed on the Instagram? Yes, I know. It's not normal. I can't help myself. And I don't wanna.
But you can help me and here are some tips:
- hire a professional to make you a great bakery logo
-  in front of your place put some flowers, cute old bicycle, bench or something which can look great on the photo ;)
- fulfill the shelves, set the handwritten menu on the wall, some inspiring quote
- write a cute product tags
- and create some great packages!
After you do that, call me, I would love to try something and snap a photo of course! ;)

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Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5