Primark accessories....

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                                                                                Photos made by Olja S.

My lovely friend Olja, send us again her insider post! All photos were taken in Primark store, but you already know all about them!!!Enjoy in some cheap & fashionable accessories that you can find there!

Po povratku u Holandiju, Olja je bila prava vrednica te nam je poslala  nove insider sličice. U pitanju je Primark radnja, koju želimo i mi!Zar ne?!!! Prosto ne mogu da poverujem šta sve imaju, i kakve su im cene! Divne torbice,prsten sa ružom, šorc sa ptičicama...želim sve!
Hvalaaa Oljooo, vt!!!
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Primark accessories....
Primark accessories....
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5