Sweet little things...

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                                                                                                  Photos: by me

Hi sweeties, how are you doing?!
I have exams, so i cant make outfit posts as many as i want! :( New photos will be soon!I promise! :)
Last night, i played with my camera and made all these photos! Hope that you will like it, i already put one as my background! :)
Sinoć sam opet isprobavala aparat , i ove fotografije su rezultat tog mog igranja! :)  
Imam par ideja šta bih radila sa njima, ali ću vam reći više o tome ako ih budem realizovala...
Nadam se da će vam se dopasti koliko i meni!:)
Kako vam se čine?!
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Sweet little things...
Sweet little things...
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5